Our services

Transfer pricing

During the conduct of international business transactions and transactions in Kazakhstan, the companies may face with the obligation to comply with legal requirements, difficulties in different jurisdictions and certain types of control in the field of transfer pricing. This is one of the most important points in risk management which managers and business owners have to consider.

We provide professional advices, support and accompany our clients because we know and understand that transfer pricing is associated with a number of tax, customs and legal issues. Uncertainty or lack of a systematic approach in this area may entail financial, tax and business risks for the company.

Since 2019, PKF Kazakhstan has been providing specialized transfer pricing services using its accumulated knowledge, unique experience and deep understanding of local conditions, including:

  • A detailed review of company’s activities to assess and develop measures aimed at reducing risks;
  • Development of comparative studies to determine the market price/range of profitability/remuneration rate (benchmark analysis);
  • Collection of information, development of methodology and preparation of documents with justification of the price applied for further submission to the competent authorities;
  • Preparation of transaction monitoring reports and three-tier reporting (local, core and cross-country);
  • Development of a policy and/or methodology.